
I have been infatuated with photography since before it became the cursory act that it is today. Before I could afford a proper camera, I loved the steady access and convenience of the disposable stuff. Their bulky plastic frame would fit snugly against the emergency break of my car or my back pocket, ready to go at a moment’s notice. Usually after a busy weekend, I’d drop them off at the drug store and come back for the developed roll after a few days. The reward for my patience were envelopes filled with either glossy or matte-finish and usually underexposed photos. I went through so many throw-away-cameras that I’ve wondered why it took me so long to buy my first digital camera… Oh yeah, they weren’t really a thing back then yet and SLRs were prohibitively expensive.

Eventually I did buy a digicam. And finally, a DSLR. (Which I’ve put through the ringer but somehow has held up.) Throw in a few camera phones on top of that and I’ve managed to build up a decent archive of photographs. This is why I’ve been searching for a place to house these stills. Once upon a time I used to be all about Flickr, and although these days I’m more partial to instagram and VSCOcam, I’ve always wanted a space of my own. I want this place to be it.